Monday, January 21, 2013

Neon Boneyard (& the worst sweater I've ever purchased.)

{sweater & jeans: forever 21 | blouse: urban outfitters | boots: steve madden | sunglasses: juicy couture}

It was pretty chilly when we went to Vegas, so our usual allotment of endless hours roaming the strip were null & void. To fill the usual time slot, we opted to visit the Neon Museum's Neon Boneyard! SO COOL! We were definitely not disappointed! We roamed the "boneyard" with our extremely knowledgeable tour guide, and checked out all of the old, retired, amazing neon signs that used to grace the strip!

If you're ever in Vegas, this place is a must-see!

So, the inner sorority girl in me theme dressed for this day. Worst. Mistake. Ever. This is the worst sweater I've ever purchased. You might be saying to yourself, why whatever do you mean, Dani? The ampersand is your favorite punctuation mark, how could it be bad? You wore text to a museum based on the use of text, how could that be bad? Your outfit is totally cute, what could be bad?

Well, let me tell you what could be bad: THIS SWEATER IS SO FUZZY I COULD DIE. And I don't mean that in a good, Despicable Me way. I mean this is a the fuzz from this sweater got all over every single thing I got within 10 feet of way. All over my pants. And my purse. And my jacket. And the car. And. Everything. Made me crazy. And miserable. Never wearing it again. Maybe I should burn it.

It really is a shame, too, because I love an ampersand.


  1. Too bad about the sweater. It's super cute. I love it paired with the polka dots and your pink pants. Heather

  2. Oh my gosh, I buy so many things that shed and have fuzz and it pisses me off so much! The worst part is, you don’t know that it sheds until after you’ve purchased or worn it! haha

  3. It's so cute, though! I totally wish it was fuzzy in the Despicable Me way.

  4. I love it! And what an amazing museum!! I am so jealous. But I have a super amazing sweater that leaves everything a tad fuzzed over. Sometimes its worth it, just wear everything in a similiar color scheme?! Hahaha

  5. well the sweater still looks adorable on you! xo

  6. That sweater is completely adorable (especially with the polka dots and the pants!), what a bummer that its crazy fuzzy. Funny enough, I had a bath robe like that. I washed it 3 times and it still got fuzz EVERYWHERE, so I donated it to Goodwill. Maybe someone else won't find it annoying!

    Next time I'm in Vegas, I'm totally going to check that place out. How fun!



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