Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pinterest Party Polka Dots!

{blouse: foreign exchange | skirt: windsor | wedges: forever 21 | necklace: cheerfully charmed | watch: nordstrom | purse: rebecca taylor}

Over the holidays, my friends and I decided to throw a "Pinterest Party!" What exactly does a Pinterest party entail, you ask? Well, let me fill you in:
  • Everyone brought a dish they found the recipe for on Pinterest!
  • We all got together and did a little craft I found floating around Pinterest!
  • We had a gift exchange, having nothing to do with Pinterest, except that I gifted a bubble necklace - does it get more Pinterest than that?
  • Even more importantly, I found inspiration for this outfit on Pinterest!
  • We also played one of our favorite games, Taboo!, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Pinterest. Sorry. Just an always-entertaining outcome of a few glasses of vino! ;)
And a good time was had by all!

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest, too!


  1. Oh my goodness! I LOVE this outfit girl!!! I think I need that skirt! What a fun party to have....I love the glitter canvas project! Hope you're doing well!
    xx, Kristen

    The Mrs. and The Momma

  2. What an awesome outfit! I love everything :) Pinterest is the bomb. Best invention ever!!

  3. Love this! I keep saying I want to have a Pinterest party. I need to bite the bullet and do it. I actually have plans to make glitter canvases for friends as a part of my DIY Holiday gift thing I did. Cuteness!

  4. I did the glitter cavas too and they came out great. Great idea for a party!


  5. You are adorable and I love, love, love your necklace!!! Lovely blog, too! :)

  6. Omg omg omg omg. Your outfit is amazing. I have been wanting to do a polka dot on polka dot look...you have given me the courage!!! :)



  7. Wow a pinterest party how cool is that!!! You do an amazing job mixing print and I love the red accessories! Those shoes are adorable.


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