Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Carly Simon?

{blouse: urban outfitters | jeans: just fab | oxfords: volatile via zappos | hat: nasty gal}
When I threw this ensemble together bright and early before work, I never dreamed I'd get so many compliments on it. Turns out, it evoked visions of the past from nearly every one of my coworkers. I got a lot of "hippie chick" or "70s" comments. My favorite was my coworker Kelly's comparisons to Carly Simon.

I guess if my mouth doubled in size and I forgot to wear a bra, I'd agree.

Note to self: wear this outfit with flares!


  1. Lol, I love this - and your bra-less, wide mouth comment ;) You look GORGEOUS though. This is definitely one of those outfits that I couldn't pull off, and am slightly jeal that you look so good! Those shoes are amazing.

  2. Well, I looooove this outfit and would have given you a dozen compliments. :)

  3. haha I always get those "comments" from my relatives when I wear cute 70's attire {or really any era that I wasn't apart of haha} I LOVE your outfit though! It's adorable!!!


  4. I don't know why "Born Free" popped into my head when I saw Carly's picture... but I liked it.

  5. I absolutely love you in this outfit. And that pink lipstick is pretty great too! You look so flippin' awesome in that hat.



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