Monday, May 7, 2012

Blogger Feature: Kristen of the MRS. & the MOMMA

Please welcome Kristen from the MRS. & the MOMMA to The Daily Dani! Kristen was kind enough to feature me over on her blog a couple months back, and I couldn't hesitate to do the same!

3 words to describe your personal style?
-Classic with a twist
(seriously, that was the hardest question ever!!!)

What is your go-to, never-fail outfit?
My black maxi skirt, a fitted tee, a cardi or blazer, and wedges.  Oh, and a big, statement necklace or earrings....not usually both.

As a mom, how do you find a balance between fashion/appropriateness/comfort?
As of now, I'm still nursing, so tops and bottoms (rather than dresses) are the most versatile and appropriate.  For a heel wearing gal like me, I find that I'm cursing myself if I don't think ahead for times when I'll have to be on my feet carrying a child for extended periods of time, therefore, heels these days are reserved for days my husband is with me to share the parenting duties...or date nights.  So really, what I do every morning is have a Q&A with myself...
-"Am I leaving the house today?" No? Then PJs it is.  No need to change.
-"Is there a possibility that I'll have to nurse in public?"  Yes?  Then nix the waist belt, the layered necklaces, and definitely the dress.
-"Do I feel good in this outfit?"  Yes?  Then stay clothed and double check I'm wearing comfortable shoes.
So to answer the question, it's really a give and take.  And sometimes, I'm completely uncomfortable, yet fashionable and appropriate....or any other combination of those three!

How do you maintain your modesty while still appearing fashionable?
Well, the easy answer to that is layering, accessorizing, and skirts.  I live in Texas, however, and layering between May and October is pretty much out of the the latter two are what I fall back on.  Truly, though, I think modesty is a lifestyle and attitude just as much as it is one's appearance.  My hope is that my personality and the way I present myself communicate that, as well.

Who are your favorite bloggers, and why?
My favorite bloggers are those who spark my imagination and learning...whether it be with clothes, motherhood, writing, or life in general.  I especially love The Daybook, A Cup of Jo, Across the Pond, In Honor of Design, and Nat the Fat Rat.

Can you name a childhood moment of you and clothing?
When I was in sixth grade, upon moving to a new school district, my mom and I went shopping for new school clothes and she mentioned going to some place called "Gap"....which had no relevance or meaning to me at the time...nor did any other name brand for that matter (except for Gibeau of course).  While sporting one of my new Gap outfits after being in my new school for just a few days, a girl came up to me and flipped the back of my shirt up so that she could see what brand I was wearing.  After inspecting my tag, she then said something along the lines of "Oh, you're okay."  I later saw this appraisal occur frequently within my new sixth grade group of "friends".  That experience stuck with me throughout the years not only for the shock of realizing that people actually cared which stores I shopped at, but that I was judged by it.  

Have your kids shown any interest in fashion yet?
My second daughter is definitely developing her own style at the ripe old age of five!  I don't even try to pick out her clothes for her, because she puts things together I would never think of...and they look great!  She's also my little personal stylist.  I'll consult her on which shoes to wear with an outfit and she's always quick to tell me if I look "horrible", as she puts it.

I feel most myself when I’m wearing
Something that I put together that is uniquely me.  I asked my husband this question, and he said he prefers when I'm dressed up....and I'd have to concur.

Make sure you head over to the MRS. & the MOMMA to see more of Kristen's fabulous style, recaps of her fun weekends, and absolutely adorable photos of her family - particularly her cute kiddos!

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