Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Song: Toto

I first heard this song in 2005 on Trippin' on MTV with Cameron Diaz. Do you remember that show? Summary: Cameron Diaz traveled around the world with different celebs each episode. In this particular episode, she went to Africa with Justin Timberlake, Talib Kweli, and Jimmy Fallon. When they get to the Gong Rock in the Serengeti, where music was perhaps first made, Jimmy & Cameron pull out an iHome, start playing this song, and they all begin adorably dancing and singing to it. So I fell in love with it, and all of them. (Who doesn't love Jimmy and Justin? Come on.) 

Don't worry, y'all. YouTube is magical and even has 12-year-old clips of Trippin'. (Start at the 3:34 mark.)

You've got to admit, anyone who can incorporate the lyric "As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti," into an actually decent song is incredibly talented. And also weird.


  1. Oh my goodness, I do NOT remember this show, but I am totally wishing it was still on! I love how completely uninterested in Toto the guides are!


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