Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's Fancies: Friday Night Lights

{necklace / t-shirt / purse / jeans / watch / boots / football}
So, let me be honest. I've never cared about any athletic team more than I've cared about the Dillon Panthers. Still, on the rare occasion that I do attend a sporting event (usually Angel games, in my case), I try to root root root for the home team while still looking cute! Wear your gear (whether it be a tee, jersey, or team colors), pair it with classic comfy jeans and a sensible shoe (hah!), and accessorize accordingly! Show your spirit while you show your style!

Now, let's all just take a moment to bask in the beauty that is Tim Riggins, and remind ourselves: Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. TEXAS FOREVER.

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose.
Texas Forever!


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